George Ellis at 85, Stellenbosch, South Africa

More info:  external link
Date:  2024-08-22  -  2024-08-22

Location:  Stellenbosch, South Africa

In conjunction with the South African Gravity Society 2024 Conference (18 to 22 August 2024), advertised earlier, the Society will be honouring its first president Professor George F. R. Ellis who turns 85 this year with a Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of his outstanding contributions to science over the past six decades.
Date: 22 August 2024

Venue: Stellenbosch University South Africa
Time: 09h00 – 12h00 (SAST, GMT+2)

Speakers: Roy Maartens, Daya Reddy, Aroon Beesham, Nigel Bishop, Charles Hellaby, Peter Dunsby, Jeff Murugan, Amanda Weltman, Sunil Maharaj, George Ellis

Programme will soon be available on the site: or the conference site:

Registration: Non-conference delegates may attend in-person on invitation only.
The programme will be available on Zoom. Link to be found on or

Non-conference delegates are welcome to send in messages by email or using the Zoom Chat and some may be read out as time permits during the function.

For more information kindly contact Sudan Hansraj (President: South African Gravity Society) using hansrajs ‘at’
