Contact:  giuseppe.masciantonio[AT]roma2.infn.itLocation:  Rome, Italy
The LISA group in Roma Tor Vergata is seeking a physicist or engineer for a post-doc fellowship for on the theme:
“Modeling, development and characterization of electronics for gravitational wave detectors in space”
The new post-doc will work with the LISA – Tor Vergata group, developing and/or monitoring several projects in support to our Electronic Lab (1 engineer, 1 physicist, 1 post-doc, 2 technicians).
The LISA group is also active in multimessager data from galactic nuclei and in fundamental physics (SEP violation, PFE) with LISA.
The duration is 2 + 1 year, starting date: asap.
Annual gross salary is euro 31.308 ( about 2.300/month net, according to present tax regulation).