New Trends in First Quantisation: Field Theory, Gravity and Quantum Computing, Bad Honnef, Germany

More info:  external link
Date:  2025-04-13  -  2025-04-17

Location:  Bad Honnef, Germany

Field theories provide some of the best theoretical descriptions of fundamental physics. In recent years, however, several theoretical branches of physics based on the framework of first quantisation have blossomed, complementing better-known field-theoretic approaches. This workshop aims to bring together these research communities, identifying shared challenges, exchanging cutting edge theoretical tools, and fostering new interdisciplinary collaborations.

The workshop will cover the following themes:
* Foundations of the first quantised worldline approach to quantum field theory
* Gravity in the first quantised approach
* Non-perturbative techniques in first quantisation
* Quantum computing in first quantised frameworks.

A series of invited talks will present up-to-date results while keeping them accessible to non-experts. These talks will lead discussion sessions, which will have a prominent role to enhance cross-community knowledge exchange. Early career researchers and researchers from under-represented backgrounds in the community are highly encouraged to participate and can propose contributed talks. Applicants should detail which of the above topics their research interests best align with.

Scientific organizers:
Edwards, James Paul (University of Plymouth)
Franchino-Vinas, Sebastian Alberto (Universita’ di Genova and HZDR)
Gies, Holger (Universitaet Jena)