Gravitational Wave Cosmology, Brussels, Belgium

More info:  external link
Date:  2025-02-19  -  2025-02-21

Location:  Brussels, Belgium

The Solvay workshop on “Gravitational Wave Cosmology” will take place at ULB on the 19-21 February 2025.

Book your agenda for this exciting program where the speakers will provide their insights on pressing questions that new observations are currently bringing such as:

* How can we distinguish cosmological sources from the detected Pulsar Timing Array signal ?
* What is the nature of the Hubble tension: systematic errors or a sign for new physics?
* How will gravitational waves standard sirens contribute in the near future?
* How to distinguish the primordial gravitational wave background from the astrophysical background?
* Which notable multi-messenger signatures should be searched for ?

We hope to see you at this exciting workshop!

On behalf of the organising committee, Giacomo Bruno, Sebastien Clesse, Geoffrey Compere, Archisman Ghosh, Alberto Marrioti, Samaya Nissanke, Nick Van Remortel, Alex Sevrin