2nd Workshop on Self-Force and Amplitudes, Southampton, UK

More info:  external link
Date:  2025-09-09  -  2025-09-12

Location:  Southampton, United Kingdom

The 2nd Workshop on Self-Force and Amplitudes will be held in Southampton, UK, 9-12 Sep 2025.

Like the first event, which was held at the Higgs Centre in Edinburgh in 2024, this workshop aims to bring together experts from the self-force and high-energy physics communities to discuss open challenges and opportunities at the interface between the two fields.

Topics will include the following:

– using data from scattering scenarios to inform models of gravitationally bound systems
– using the self-force expansion to determine unknown high-order terms in the post-Minkowskian series, and vice versa
– using self-force results to inform resummations of post-Minkowskian calculations, and vice versa
– validating and informing resummation techniques using numerical relativity simulations of scattering orbits
– describing Kerr black holes with amplitudes and point particles
– investigating double copy structures in classical gravity and black hole perturbation theory

There will be plenty of time allotted for discussions.

Speaking slots are by invitation only, but registration is open to all. Due to limited space, registration will be moderated.