Black Holes & Cosmology 2025, Reykjavik, Iceland

More info:  external link
Date:  2025-08-05  -  2025-08-08

Location:  Reykjavik, Iceland

The purpose of the conference Black Holes & Cosmology is to bring together world-renowned experts as well as junior researchers working on theoretical and observational aspects of black holes, particularly (but not limited to) their role in cosmology.

Topics include:
Dark Matter
Structure Formation
Primordial Black Holes
Gravitational-Wave Astronomy
Quantum Aspects of Black Holes

This event will take place at the University of Iceland in Reykjavik between the 5th and 8th of August 2025. We look forward to meet you!

Invited Speakers include (* = TBC):
Andreas Albrecht* (UCD)
Earl Bellinger (Yale)
Gianfranco Bertone* (UvA & GRAPPA)
Alessandra Buonanno* (AEI)
Matt Caplan (ISU)
Nico Cappelluti (UM)
Bernard Carr (QMUL)
Sebastien Clesse (ULB)
Nelson Christensen (Artemis & OCA)
Gia Dvali (MPP & LMU)
Alexander Dolgov (NSU & Unife)
Netta Engelhardt (MIT)
Glennys Farrar* (NYU)
Enrique Gaztanaga (UoP)
Sarah Geller (MIT)
Reinhard Genzel* (MPE & UCB)
Marat Gilfanov (MPA)
Ruth Gregory (KCL)
Alan Guth* (MIT)
Michael Hawkins (ROE)
Dan Hooper (UW)
David Kaiser (MIT)
Sasha Kashlinsky (NASA)
William Kinney (UB)
Alexander Kusenko (UCLA)
Julien Lavalle (UoM)
Guido Mueller* (AEI)
Priyamvada Natarajan (Yale)
Samaya Nissanke* (UvA & GRAPPA)
Mairi Sakellariadou (KCL)
Lisa Randall* (Harvard)
Luciano Rezzolla* (GU)
Subir Sarkar* (Oxford)
Ravi Sheth (UPenn)
Joe Silk* (IAP & JHU & Oxford)
Mark Trodden* (UPenn)
Hai-Bo Yu (UCR)

Organisational Committee:
Florian Kuehnel (MPP & LMU) [Chair]
Larus Thorlacius (UI)
Valentina Giangreco M. Puletti (UI)
David Kaiser (MIT)