4th MaNiTou Summer School on Gravitational Waves, Marseille, France

More info:  external link
Date:  2025-06-30  -  2025-07-05

Location:  Marseille, France

Registration to the 4th edition of the MaNiTou Summer School on Gravitational Waves is now open for registration until April 6th, 2025.
Please note that the school offers accommodation free of charge for up to 50 master and PhD students.
Date: June 30th – July 5th, 2025.
Location: Aix Marseille Univ. Faculty of Sciences, Luminy Campus – Marseille, France
Registration: open until April 6th limited to about 80 to 90 participants

Topics: The school will cover the emerging field of gravitational wave detection and of its scientific exploitation. The goal of the school is to provide the students with a solid introduction to most aspects of this interdisciplinary field in fast expansion.
Target audience: The school is open primarily to Master and PhD students, and also to young (and not so young) scientists who would like to get better acquainted with gravitational waves.
Practical information: There is no registration fee to participate to the school, but attendance is limited to about 80 participants. The School will provide coffee breaks and lunches for all participants. Dinners, travel and accommodation expenses are not covered, however accommodation free of charge will be provided for a selected number of up to 50 master and PhD students.
Please note that the school being labelled as “Ecole Thematique CNRS”, for CNRS employees, travel and stay expenses will be covered by the CNRS “Formation Permanente”.

Quentin Baghi – AstroParticule et Cosmologie (APC), Paris
Space-based GW detectors: LISA
Oualid Chaibi – Artemis, Observatoire de la Cote d’Azur, Nice
Ground-based GW interferometers and current observations
Francesca Gulminelli – Laboratoire de physique corpusculaire (LPC), Caen
GWs and nuclear physics
Natalia Korsakova – AstroParticule et Cosmologie (APC), Paris
Introduction to AI technique and AI applications to GWs
Astrid Lamberts – Artemis et Lagrange, Observatoire de la Cote d’Azur, Nice
Astrophysics of GW sources
Frederique Marion – Laboratoire d’Annecy de Physique des Particules (LAPP), Annecy
Introduction to GW data analysis
Sylvain Marsat – Laboratoire des 2 infinis – Toulouse (L2IT), Toulouse
Hands on GW data analysis
Simone Mastrogiovanni – Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), Rome
Cosmology with GWs
Joseph Romano – University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Texas, USA
Panorama of GW sources
PTA science and stochastic background analysis
Mairi Sakellariadou – King’s College London, London
Fundamental physics with GWs
Simone Speziale – Centre de Physique Theorique (CPT), Marseille
GW Theory

– Sebastien GUILLOT (IRAP)
– Christian MARINONI (CPT)
– Sylvain MARSAT (L2IT)
– Delphine PORQUET (LAM)
– Nicola TAMANINI (L2IT)
