Petnica Summer Institute 2025: Summer School on Gravitational Waves, Valjevo, Serbia

More info:  external link
Date:  2025-07-31  -  2025-08-10

Location:  Valjevo, Serbia

Petnica Summer Institute (PSI) aims to provide lectures to early graduate students given by senior PhD students, postdocs, and researchers. PSI is organized every summer at Petnica Science Center (Valjevo, Serbia) and covers a wide range of topics in fundamental and applied physics. This year, for the first time, we are organizing three summer schools in parallel! The schools on String Theory and Gravitational Waves have a joint application procedure, while for the school on Quantum Technologies, see

Aim: The school aims to provide intensive and thorough courses on a broad range of topics in Gravitational Waves. The school is not limited to lectures but will also include daily discussion sessions, problem-solving, and independent work.
For Whom: The school is intended for early graduate (MSc / junior PhD) students from all around the world. We will also consider motivated applications from senior undergraduates, as well as more senior PhD students. Students from the Balkans region/Southeast Europe are especially encouraged to apply.
Application Procedure: To apply, please fill out the form on the website: One letter of recommendation should be sent directly by a referee to psi (at)
Application deadline: April 27, 2025 (23:59 CET). Please ensure that the letter of recommendation is sent by the same deadline.
The full cost for accommodation and meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) is 550 Euros per participant. The organizers will be able to provide partial financial support for a number of students, with priority given to students from the Balkan region/Southeast Europe.
Topics: Review of General Relativity; Black Holes; Compact Objects; GW Detection, Data Analysis and Astrophysics; Cosmological Sources of GWs; Black Hole Perturbation Theory; Effective Field Theory methods in GW physics
Lecturers: Enrico Barausse (SISSA, Trieste); Mateja Boskovic (DESY, Hamburg); Branislav Cvetkovic (IPB, Belgrade); Daniel Figueroa (IFIC, Valencia); Rafael Porto (DESY, Hamburg); Borna Salehian (ETH, Zürich); Nikola Savić (IPhT, Saclay)