28th Capra Meeting on Radiation Reaction in General Relativity, Southampton, UK (2nd announcement)

More info:  external link
Date:  2025-07-21  -  2025-07-25

Location:  Southampton, UK

The 28th Capra Meeting on Radiation Reaction in General Relativity will take place at the Highfield campus of the University of Southampton (UK) from 21 to 25 July, 2025.

The Capra Meeting is an annual conference/workshop on the topic of radiation reaction in general relativity. Its primary focus is the development of the gravitational-self-force approach to further our understanding of the two-body problem in general relativity, and to model gravitational waves from the extreme-mass-ratio binaries that will be a key target for the near-future space-based detector LISA. The Capra Meeting will comprise invited review talks, short contributed presentations, posters, and focused discussion sessions. The tradition of the meeting is that there is no registration fee for participating.

At the Capra Meeting, we provide equal opportunities regardless of gender, age, race, disability, ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, civil status, or family status. If you have any feedback or suggestions as to how we can ensure a successful and inclusive meeting, please do not hesitate to get in touch at edi[AT]caprameeting.org.

Registration and abstract submission are now open. The deadline for submission is 31st May 2025. The submission form is located on the registration page. Additionally, we have funds to support several early career researchers, covering all 7 days/6 nights of accommodation for Capra (Sunday 20 July – Saturday 26 July). We are accepting applications for this funding until 4th April 2025. The application, along with additional details, can be found on the registration page

Please direct any questions to capra28[AT]caprameeting.org.
