Contact:  emparan[AT]ub.eduLocation:  Barcelona, Spain
One postdoctoral position, funded by the European Research Council, is now open at the University of Barcelona. Selected candidates will work with Prof Roberto Emparan and other members of the group on theoretical aspects of black hole physics, broadly defined.
Selected candidates will start work no later than October 1st, 2019 for a period of 2 years. The deadline for applications is November 30, 2018.
Faculty members of our group working on black holes, gravitation and related areas include Bartomeu Fiol, Cristiano Germani, Jaume Garriga, David Mateos, Josep M. Pons, and Enric Verdaguer. For more information, visit our website
Application procedure
The University of Barcelona is part of a group of European institutes with a centralized system of postdoctoral applications. Thus interested candidates should apply through the Joint European postdoc application website at KU Leuven, choosing Barcelona as one of their preferred institutes. Only applications submitted through that website will be considered. Please do not resubmit them in any other way.