Contact:  cosmoschool2020[AT]  Krakow, Poland
The 5th Cosmology School “Introduction to Cosmology” is the continuation of the series of cosmology schools of which the last one took place in 2018 in Cracow. It is an event aimed at giving an introduction to the current knowledge in cosmology, both in theory and observations.
This year’s School will take place in Cracow from 18th of July to 2nd of August. It is intended for undergraduate, MSc and PhD students, as well as young postdoctoral researchers, interested in these fields. The School will include lectures, as well as workshops on Virtual Observatory tools, SED fitting, cosmological simulations, and hands-on training in telescope observations.
Early registration is open starting from 25 Feb 2020 till 30 May 2020.
More details may be found on website: