Fellowships at the Centre of Gravity, Nottingham, UK

More info:  external link
Deadline:  2022-07-15

Location:  Nottingham, UK

The Nottingham Centre of Gravity (NCoG) brings together Nottingham’s internationally leading expertise in gravitational physics and expand it into new areas. It is built on six overlapping pillars of gravitational research: fundamental physics, mathematics, cosmology, relativistic astrophysics, experiment, and data & modeling. Members of the CoG include Tasos Avgoustidis, Clare Burrage, John Barrett, Miguel Bezares (from Jan 2023), Ed Copeland, Anne Green, Stephen Green (from Oct 2022), Kirill Krasnov, Jorma Louko, Adam Moss, Tony Padilla, Paul Saffin, Thomas Sotiriou, David Stefanyszyn, and Silke Weinfurtner.

The NCoG is very keen to host research fellowships that relate to all of the above research areas. We also aim to extend further the Centre’s areas of expertise in directions such as, waveform modelling and data analysis, numerics in General Relativity and beyond, relativistic astrophysics and strong field tests of general relativity, cosmology with gravitational waves, amplitudes, string theory and supergravity, and plan to use long term fellowships as a vehicle for doing so.

A variety of potential fellowships are available, including:

Long-term Fellowships (Assistant Professor Level)

Nottingham Research Fellowships and Anne McLaren Fellowships (internally funded- scheme will reopen in July): 3-year fellowships linked to a permanent post. Anne McLaren Fellowships are aimed at outstanding female researchers.

STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellowships (next call expected in July)
5-year fellowships funded by the STFC

Royal Society University Research Fellowships
5-year fellowships funded by the Royal Society, with potential extension to 8 years

Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowships (next call expected in September)
4-year fellowships funded by the Royal Society, for candidates with a need for flexible support

Future Leader Fellowships (call opens September 6)
up to 2M GBP, funded by UKRI

Nottingham University has an excellent track record of transitioning long-term fellows into permanent academic positions

Expressions of interest for the long-term fellowships above should be sent to Thomas.Sotiriou[AT]nottingham.ac.uk by July 15, 2022 and should include a CV and a first draft

Postdoctoral fellowships

Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions
Postdoctoral fellowship funded by the European Commission.

Stephen Hawking Fellowships
4-year postdoctoral fellowships funded by UKRI

Royal Astronomical Society and Daphne Jackson Fellowships
RAS postdoctoral Fellowships provide support for up to 3 years. (Next call expected in October)
The Daphne Jackson Trust offers flexible, part-time, paid Fellowships, normally for two years. (Applications are accepted year round.)

1851 Research Fellowships
3-year postdoctoral fellowship funded by the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851

If you are interested in applying for a Postdoctoral Fellowship with NCoG as a host please contact the member of the centre (see list above) that is closest to your research interests to discuss you application.