Postodoctal Fellowships, Nottingham, UK

More info:  external link
Deadline:  2023-07-15

Location:  Nottingham, UK

Fellowships at the University of Nottingham

The Nottingham Centre of Gravity (NCoG), the Particle Cosmology group in the School of Physics and Astronomy and the Gravity Research Theme in the School of Mathematical Sciences are very keen to host fellowship on topics that match or complement their research expertise: black holes and relativistic astrophysics, strong field tests of general relativity, gravitational waves, numerical relativity, QFT, analogue gravity and quantum simulators, quantum gravity and strings, amplitudes, CMB, cosmic strings, inflation, PBHs, dark energy, dark matter and modified gravity. The NCoG and the two groups include 17 staff members, Tasos Avgoustidis, Clare Burrage, John Barrett, Miguel Bezares, Ed Copeland, Anne Green, Oliver Gould, Stephen Green, Kirill Krasnov, Jorma Louko, Adam Moss, Tony Padilla, Paul Saffin, Laura Sberna (Jan 2024), Thomas Sotiriou, David Stefanyszyn, and Silke Weinfurtner.

A variety of potential fellowships are available, including Royal Society University Research Fellowships, Ernest Rutherford Fellowships (STFC), Marie Curie (EU) fellowships, and possibly national fellowships from the candidate’s country of origin. Nottingham University also has its own internally funded fellowship programmes.

For the case of Ernest Rutherford Fellowships, Royal Society URFs, and Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowships Expressions of interest for fellowships should be sent to and should include a CV and a brief description of your general research direction. We ask that you do this by 15th July 2023 since we need some time to decide which candidates we plan to support. For Nottingham Research Fellowship the call will come out later in the summer, but informal enquiries are welcome. For postdoctoral fellowships, please contact directly the member of staff (see list above) closest to the your research interests well ahead of the fellowship deadline.

Ernest Rutherford Fellowships
Ernest Rutherford Fellowships are five year fellowships funded by the STFC (deadline 21st September 2023). They are open to candidates of any nationality, but each institution is limited in the total number of applications it can support. For further information see here:

Royal Society University Research Fellowships and Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowships
Royal Society University Research Fellowships are eight year fellowships open to citizens of all nationalities (deadline 6th September 2023). The Royal Society also offers the Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship for candidates with a need for flexible support (deadline 1st November 2023), and Newton International Fellowships (two years) for early stage international (non-UK) researchers. For further information see here

Nottingham University Fellowships (internally funded)
Anne McLaren Fellowships are aimed at outstanding female scholars in science, technology, engineering and medicine at the early stage of their academic careers. The Nottingham Research Fellowships Scheme targets outstanding early career researchers in most academic disciplines at the University. Each fellowship offers three years of independent funding. The deadline for expressions of interest for 2023 is to be confirmed. For more details see here

Stephen Hawking Fellowships
Stephen Hawking Fellowships are three year fellowships funded by UKRI as part of the EPSRC postdoctoral fellowships (next deadline 28th September 2023). They are open to candidates of any nationality. For further information see here

Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions
The Marie Sklodowska-Curie scheme includes Individual Fellowships (IFs) intended to add significantly to the development of the best and most-promising researchers active in Europe. These are for trans-national researchers, including researchers coming to Europe and those moving within Europe (deadline 13th September 2023). For further information see here

Newton International Fellowships
Royal Society offers Newton International Fellowships (two years) for early stage international (non-UK) researchers. For further information see here

Royal Astronomical Society
RAS postdoctoral Fellowships provide support for up to 3 years for early career research astronomers and geophysicists. Applications are restricted to candidates who have a recognized PhD (or equivalent) obtained no more than 5 years before the start of their position or who have taken their viva before the application deadline and expect to be awarded the PhD by the time of appointment. The deadline for 2023 has not yet been announced, but is likely to be in October.

Daphne Jackson Fellowships
The Daphne Jackson Trust offers flexible, part-time, paid Fellowships, normally for two years, to assist talented scientists into a career following a break of at least two years. Applications are accepted year round. For further information see here

1851 Research Fellowships
This scheme offers 3-year of support to early career scientist of exceptions promise. It is offered by the Royal Commission of the Exhibition of 1851. The next call is expected to open in October 2023. For further information see here