Golden Wedding of Black Holes and Thermodynamics (online)

More info:  external link
Date:  2023-12-04  -  2023-12-08

Location:  Online

In celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of “The Four Laws of Black Hole Mechanics” by J. M. Bardeen, B. Carter, and S. W. Hawking, we are pleased to announce a fully online event in honour of the golden wedding of black holes and thermodynamics.

The conference covers black hole thermodynamics, quantum field theory in curved spacetimes and relativistic quantum information.

Registrations for contributed talks (20+10′) and posters close on the 10th of November.

Plenary speakers (50+10′) include S. Carlip, C. Dappiaggi, C. Fewster, K. Fredenhagen, I. Fuentes, S. Fulling, M. Hotta, B. Kay, E.-A. Kontou, A. Landulfo, E. Martin-Martinez, and N. Yokomizo.
