Read the latest CQG focus section on inhomogeneous cosmological models and averaging in cosmology

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CQG’s latest focus section on inhomogeneous cosmological models and averaging in cosmology is now available to read on the CQG website:

The issue was edited by CQG Board Members Lars Andersson and Alan Coley.

The special section focuses on the physical state of the present universe and the problem of going beyond perturbation theory. The following topics are covered:
– a general overview and a discussion of the relevant issues;
– inhomogeneous cosmological models (including non-Copernican models);
– the current observations and physics of the universe and
– averaging and backreaction.

I would like to thank the guest editors and all of the authors and referees of the focus section for their contributions to this excellent issue of Classical and Quantum Gravity.

Yours sincerely

Adam Day
Classical and Quantum Gravity