Contact:  secretary[AT]ictp-saifr.orgLocation:  Maresias, near Sao Paulo, Brazil
Description: Quantum mechanics and general relativity are among the most successful theories ever constructed in physics. When they are combined to describe quantum gravity several problems arise. This meeting will provide a place for physicists from different communities to present their findings.
Organizers: Rodolfo Gambini (Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo), Carmen Nunez (Universidade de Buenos Aires and IAFE, Buenos Aires), Jorge Pullin (Louisiana State University), Victor Rivelles (Universidade de Sao Paulo), Jorge Zanelli (CECS, Valdivia and Universidade Nacional Andres Bello)
Gerardo Aldazabal (CA Bariloche)
Jorge Alfaro (PUC, Santiago)
Abhay Ashtekar (Penn State U.)
Max Banãdos (PUC, Santiago)
Nathan Berkovits (ICTP-SAIFR/IFT-UNESP)
Steven Carlip (U. Calif. at Davis)
Marc Casals (CBPF Rio de Janeiro)
Diego Correa (U. La Plata)
Bianca Dittrich (Perimeter & MPI Potsdam )
Jose Edelstein (Santiago de Compostela U.)
Gaston Giribet (U. Buenos Aires)
Alejandro Perez (CPT Marseille)
Aleksandr Pinzul (U. Brasilia)
Martin Reuter (I. Physics, U. Mainz)
Jorge Russo (ICREA, Barcelona)
Rafael Sorkin (Perimeter & Syracuse U.) – to be confirmed
Kelly Stelle (Imperial College)
Daniel Sudarksy (UNAM, Mexico City)
Diego Trancanelli (USP Sao Paulo)
Breno Vallilo (Andres Bello U., Santiago)
Erik Verlinde (U. Amsterdam)
Registration deadline: June 30, 2013
Registration fee: R$ 30 for students and R$ 60 for all other participants. It must be paid in cash upon arrival at the conference.
Financial help: We may be able to provide financial help for some Latin-American participants. After registering please send an email to rivelles[AT] stating your needs. Participants from Sao Paulo state must apply until June 1, 2013.