Contact:  armenia2014@icranet.orgLocation:  Yerevan, Armenia
The Physics of Black Holes dominates some of the most energetic astrophysical phenomena in the Universe. The formation of a Black Holes appear to be related to the emission of a Gamma Ray Burst (GRB), the most energetic transient phenomena in the Universe. The basic mechanism appear to be the creation of electron positron pairs plasma occurring by vacuum polarization process around a Kerr-Newman Black Hole by the Heisenberg-Euler-Schwinger mechanism. An effort of reaching such an extreme electromagnetic quantum regime is being currently approached also in MegaJoule Laser Projects in Europe, Russia, USA. In addition a prolonged emission appear to be related to rotating electromagnetic Black Holes in microquasars. The presence of Supermassive Black Holes (SMBHs) of 108-109 solar masses appear to be related to active galactic nuclei, Blazars and Quasars. There is the possibility that, unlike the stellar mass Black Holes, which are formed by the gravitational collapse of baryonic matter, the SMBHs can originate from the gravitational collapse of Dark Matter. This meeting will address both observational/experimental and theoretical aspects. From an observational point of view results obtained from very high energy observatories from the ground such as HESS, MAGIC, AUGER and from next generation instruments will be reviewed. Similarly will be reviewed the observations from Space Observatories in X and Gamma Rays such as Agile, Fermi, Swift, MAXI and NuStar. The complementary observations in Microwave and infrared bands from Planck mission will be presented. Ongoing progress for experimental facilities to look for coincidence with Gravitational waves detectors and Neutrinos detectors will be also reviewed. From a theoretical point of view attention will be given to progress in understanding quantum and classical phenomena related to the physics of Black Holes and to the process of extraction of the Black Hole Energy.
Before the 1st Scientific ICRANet Meeting “Black Holes: the largest energy sources in the Universe” from June 30 to July 4, an IRAP PhD School for graduate students will be organized from June 23 to June 27 at the National Academy of Science.
Registrations to both the meeting and the school are now possible at the web page
The registration fee is 300 EUR including the admission to all sessions of the meeting and the school, coffee breaks and proceedings. Instead the registration fee is 100 EUR for who attends ONLY the first week (IRAP school) and 200 EUR for who attends ONLY the second week (Meeting).
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