Deadline: 2015-02-01
Contact: alessandra.corsi[AT]
Location: Lubbock, TX, USA
There is a new gravity group at Texas Tech University (TTU): Professors Alessandra Corsi (started August 2014) and Benjamin Owen (starting January 2015) work on gravitational wave data analysis, and Owen also does theoretical work on sources of gravitational waves. Both are looking for graduate students, and several postdocs and undergraduates are already joining the group.
TTU gravity is part of the astronomy group, which started within the Physics Department in January 2013 as part of TTU’s ongoing drive to enhance its research profile. The other astronomy faculty include Thomas Maccarone and David Sand, both having research overlap with gravity via compact objects, extreme astrophysics, and transient electromagnetic astronomy. TTU is a member of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, and the astronomy group maintains strong collaborations with gravity and astronomy groups at many other institutions.
More information on the TTU physics department is available at The graduate application process is described at The deadline for applications for Fall 2015 is February 1, 2015, so apply soon!