Contact:  claudio[AT]on.brLocation:  Rio de Janiero, Brazil
Black holes are now at the center stage of astrophysics and fundamental physics. They are made of pure gravitation and offer a gamut of instances where physical processes in the vicinity of the horizon, involving either fluids or quantum fields, can be tested and observed. Their existence has now been put beyond conjecture with the detection of gravitational waves generated by the collision of these objects.
Jose P. S. Lemos is a distinguished researcher that works in black holes physics and astrophysics. He undergraduated and took the MSc in Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro, did his PhD in the University of Cambridge, got his first position at Observatorio Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, and is now professor at Instituto Superior Tecnico, University of Lisbon.
The goal of the conference is to promote, strengthen and disseminate the research on black holes, focusing in, but not restricted to, Jose’s contributions.
We will also commemorate two historical dates. First, 100 years of Einstein’s second paper on gravitational waves where he deduced the correct quadrupole formula, his first 1916 paper had an incorrect monopole formula. Second, 50 years of black holes, as in 1968, Wheeler put the name black holes for the first time in a paper thus entitling the astro and gravitational physicists to use it freely.