Travelling through Pedro’s universes: from Spectroscopy to Cosmology, Madrid, Spain

More info:  external link
Date:  2018-12-03  -  2018-12-05

Location:  Faculty of Physics of the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain)

This is an international and multidisciplinary workshop in honour of Prof. Pedro Felix Gonzalez Diaz, who passed away already 6 years ago. It will be held in the Faculty of Physics of the Complutense University of Madrid from the 3rd to the 5th of December 2018.

As Pedro treated so many topics during his career, the workshop will be composed by several short sessions, consisting of one or two overview talks and introduced by experts of the field. The topics will run from spectroscopy to popular science theatre, with a special emphasis in topics related with gravitation and cosmology.

Plenary speakers:
• Juan Diego Ania Castanon (Institute of Optics, CSIC)
• Carlos Barcelo (Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia, CSIC)
• Mar Bastero Gil (University of Granada)
• Juana Bellanato (retired, Institute for the Structure of Matter, CSIC)
• Mariam Bouhmadi Lopez (University of the Basque Country)
• Claus Kiefer (University of Cologne)
• Francisco Lobo (University of Lisbon)
• Marta Macho (University of the Basque Country)
• Jose M. Martin Senovilla (University of the Basque Country)
• Guillermo A. Mena Marugan (Institute for the Structure of Matter, CSIC)
• Salvador Robles Perez (Ecological Station of Biocosmology of Medellín)
• Magna Santos (retired, Institute for the Structure of Matter, CSIC)
• Sanchis Sinisterra (dramatist)*
• Alexei Starobinsky (Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics)
• Juan Alberto Torresano (University Carlos III of Madrid)
• Matt Visser (Victoria University of Wellington)

• Ana Alonso Serrano (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics)
• Mariam Bouhmadi Lopez (University of the Basque Country)
• Luis J. Garay (Complutense University of Madrid)
• Antonio Lopez Maroto (Complutense University of Madrid)
• Prado Martin Moruno (Complutense University of Madrid)
• Jose A. Ruiz Cembranos (Complutense University of Madrid)
• Hector Villarrubia Rojo (Complutense University of Madrid)