Date: 2019-09-23 - 2019-09-27
Contact: gr-secretary[AT]
Location: Cambridge, UK
Kavli RISE Summer School on Gravitational Waves
September 23-27, 2019
Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, UK
The Kavli Institute of Cosmology at Cambridge, together with support from the EU’s RISE project “Strong Gravity and High-Energy Physics”, will hold a summer school on gravitational waves at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences from Sep 23-27, 2019. This school is dedicated to introduce young scientists to the cutting edge methods and technology to explore our universe through gravitational wave observations.
Topics covered include the modeling of sources of gravitational waves with analytic and computational methods, gravitational wave detection and data analysis, testing alternatives to general relativity and black holes, dark matter candidates, electromagnetic counter parts and cosmological sources of gravitational waves. Each topic will be covered with 1 or 2 lectures of 90 minutes each.
The school is addressed at young researchers and students with background knowledge in general relativity.
Further details, including registration and accommodation options, can be found on the below URL.