Contact:  potor7[AT]info.p.lodz.plLocation:  Lodz, Poland
The 7th annual conference of the Polish Society on Relativity will be held at the Lodz University of Technology on September 25-27, 2020.
The conference is divided into six sessions:
– Mathematical Relativity I: Global structures of spacetime, black holes, initial conditions
– Mathematical relativity II: Twistor theory, complex methods, conformal geometry, exact solutions
– Numerical methods in relativity
– Models of quantum gravity
– Cosmology and astrophysics
– Gravitational waves
The coverage of respective topics should be considered rather broadly.
Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, this year’s meeting is organized in a mixed local/remote formula. The sessions will be transmitted online to integrate remote participants with local ones. There is the limit of 40 local participants to be physically present in Lodz. We would particularly welcome students participants if we are oversubscribed.
There is no registration fee and the organizers cannot provide travel or accommodation refunds. Some financial support may be available for Ph.D. students and sudents.