Postdoctoral position in machine learning at Fudan University, Shanghai, China

More info:  external link
Deadline:  2023-01-15

Location:  Shanghai, China

The high energy astrophysics group at Fudan University (Shanghai, China) invites applications for a postdoctoral position to work on the development of astrophysical codes with machine learning techniques (neural networks and deep learning). The start date of this position is negotiable but it should be in 2023.

The appointment is for 2 years. Applications received by January 15 will receive full consideration.

Interested candidates should send standard application material (CV, publication list, and any additional material that can be useful for the selection process) to:

Prof. Cosimo Bambi
E-mail: bambi[AT]

Shortlisted candidates will be contacted as soon as possible and will be asked to arrange also 2-3 recommendation letters to be sent separately to the same email address.
