The 11th Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity, Wroclaw, Poland

More info:  external link
Date:  2025-07-21  -  2025-07-24

Location:  Wroclaw, Poland

We happily announce the 11th annual conference of the Polish Society on Relativity (PoToR), which is the Polish organisation of physicists engaged in the research on classical or quantum gravity. As always, it is open to all people working in these fields of study, not only members of the Society. We aim to cover the full spectrum of topics, encompassing mathematical and numerical relativity, gravitational waves, relativistic astrophysics, cosmology, quantum gravity, and modified gravity (or other models going beyond GR). The conference will be held in the centre of the historic city of Wroclaw.

The list of plenary speakers is still being completed but includes so far:
Piotr Chrusciel (University of Vienna)
Betti Hartmann (University College London)
Jackson Levi Said (University of Malta)
Anna Pachol (University of South-Eastern Norway)
Dorota Rosinska (University of Warsaw)

The registration fee (covering coffee breaks, lunches and conference materials) amounts to 1100 PLN for regular participants and 800 PLN for PoToR members or students, (i.e. around 260 and 190 EUR, respectively).

We encourage young researchers to apply for the potential support to cover the fee, travel or local expenses through the COST Action networks. Eligible networks include CA21136 and CA23130.

For more and up to date information, follow a link to the conference website provided here.