Contact:  stefano.pigola[AT]uninsubria.itLocation:  Domodossola, Italy
The aim of the school is to provide a common ground to PhD students and young researchers in physics and mathematics to meet and learn different viewpoints on various aspects of Einstein equations.
Lectures will be given by
Alessandro CARLOTTO (ETH): Asymptotically flat spaces: shadows of rigidity and flexibility phenomena. (4h)
Giancarlo CELLA (INFN – Pisa): The physics of Ligo-Virgo (2h+1h)
Piotr CHRUSCIEL (University of Vienna): Introduction to the general relativistic constraint equations (4h)
Felix FINSTER (Universitaet Regensburg): Linear stability of black holes (4h)
Alexander KAMENSHCHIK (Universita’ di Bologna): The Bianchi classification of the three-dimensional Lie algebras and homogeneous cosmologies and the mixmaster universe (3/4h)
Eric POISSON (University of Guelph): Black-hole perturbation theory, with a connection to gravitational waves (4h)