Contact:  piotrm[AT]uw.eduLocation:  Warsaw, Poland
Nuclear Theory Group (Warsaw University of Technology) invites applications to fill one postdoc position in the field of nuclear theory or ultracold atomic gases. The successful candidate will be working on the description of dynamical properties of strongly interacting fermionic superfluids being far from equilibrium state. In particular, he/she is expected to pursue studies of dynamics of neutron star interiors and/or dynamics of quantum atomic gases (vortex and soliton dynamics, quantum turbulence) within the framework of the time-dependent density functional theory. As a result we expect to gain a comprehensive understanding of microscopic dynamics of vortices in neutron stars and ultracold atomic gases allowing for microscopic underpinning of hydrodynamic models. We offer a unique opportunity to work on the most challenging problems related to superfluid dynamics of Fermi systems. The complexity of the problem poses novel computational challenges. Inevitably, high performance computing (HPC) will be the essential part of the research. Presently we use the fastest computing systems available for open science, like Piz Daint (CSCS, Switzerland), Titan (ORNL, USA) and Tsubame3.0 (GSIC Center, Japan). The candidate will also be partly involved in the software development for such systems. The research will be conducted in collaboration with our partners from USA and Japan.
The successful candidate will be employed as a Research Assistant Professor for a minimum period of 12 months, which can be extended to 30 months.
Applicants must have a Ph.D. degree, or foreign equivalent, and a strong record of published research in condensed matter theory or in nuclear theory. We are looking for a candidate with knowledge of methods of many body quantum mechanics and possessing programming skills in C or Fortran. Knowledge of MPI or CUDA as well as experience with supercomputing will be an advantage.
Employment status: Full-time, position starts when a successful candidate is selected but not later than January 1, 2019. Salary: Depends on qualifications: 8000 – 10000 PLN per month (before tax).