17th Itzykson Meeting – Heart of Darkness: Dark Energy and Modified Gravity, Saclay, Franceby hyperspace_bot2012/02/29
Inaugural meeting of the Research Training Group “Models of Gravity”, Bremenby hyperspace_bot2012/01/31
Postdoctoral position in gravitational waves at NASA Goddard and University of Marylandby hyperspace_bot2011/12/11
Postdoctoral positions at the Center for Gravitation, Cosmology and Astrophysics at UW-Milwaukeeby hyperspace_bot2011/11/30
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Theoretical Gravitational Physics at the University of Nottinghamby hyperspace_bot2011/11/22
Postdoctoral Position in Computational and Theoretical Black Hole Astrophysics at Georgia Techby hyperspace_bot2011/11/17