Dark Matter, Dark Energy and the Cosmological Tensions, Como, Italyby Roberto Peron2025/02/172025/02/17
New Book “Modified and Quantum Gravity From Theory to Experimental Searches on All Scales”by Christian Pfeifer2023/11/212023/11/21
DarkCosmoGrav: New Frontiers in Particle Physics, Gravity, and Cosmology, Pisa, Italyby Pietro Conzinu2022/11/032022/11/03
5th Cosmology School “Introduction to Cosmology”, Krakow, Polandby hyperspace_bot2020/03/032020/11/26
GEMMA (Gravitational-waves, ElectroMagnetic and dark MAtter) Physics Workshop, Lecce, Italyby hyperspace_bot2017/12/29
Probing the dark sector and general relativity at all scales at CERN, Geneve, Switzerlandby Paolo Pani2017/05/152017/05/15
Special Issue “Progress in Cosmology in the Centenary of the 1917 Einstein paper”by Lorenzo Iorio2017/03/282017/03/28