Chalonge Meudon Workshop 2013 Warm Dark Matter Galaxies

More info:  external link
Date:  2013-06-05  -  2013-06-07

Location:  Meudon , France

Chalonge Meudon Workshop 2013 Warm Dark Matter Galaxies in Agreement with Observations: Formation, Evolution and Supermassive Black Holes

SUMMARY: The Workshop addresses the last and fast progresses made in Warm Dark Matter (WDM) Galaxies in agreement with Observations including the new quantum mechanical framework to galaxy structure reproducing in particular the observed galaxy density cores and their sizes.

Warm Dark Matter solves naturally the serious problems of Cold Dark Matter Galaxies, (CDM + baryons), clarifies and simplifies the present galaxy model situation and agrees with the observations at small as well as large and cosmological scales.

This turning point in the galaxy research and the new unifying WDM framework of stars, galaxies and cosmology will be discussed. The Workshop addresses as well the experimental search and astrophysical constraints for the WDM particle candidate keV sterile neutrino.

In the tradition of the Chalonge School, an effort of clarification and synthesis is made by combining in a conceptual framework, predictive theory, analytical, observational and numerical simulation results.

The Meeting is open to all scientists interested in the subject. Advanced students, post-docs, young scientists are encouradged to participate. The format of the Meeting is intended to allow easy and fruitful mutual contact and communication.

Early Registration is strongly encouraged.


We look forward to welcome you at Meudon

With Compliments and kind regards

Norma G. Sanchez, Hector J. de Vega
