Two Joint Faculty Positions in Theoretical Physics at University of Guelph and Perimeter Instituteby Luis R Lehner2015/09/302015/10/01
PhD scholarships in Mathematical or Computational Relativity at Otago, NZby Joerg Frauendiener2015/09/282015/09/28
PhD fellowship, Hydrodynamic simulations of rotating black holes, Nottingham, UKby hyperspace_bot2015/09/272015/09/27
Post-doc position in experimental gravitation at SYRTE/Observatoire de Parisby hyperspace_bot2015/09/152015/09/15
Assistant, Associate, or Senior Scientist (Einstein@Home Computational Scientist) at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukeeby hyperspace_bot2015/09/10
Postdoctoral position in relativistic astrophysics, Frankfurt, Germanyby rezzolla2015/09/022015/09/02
Postdoctoral position(s) in gravitational wave science at LIGO Laboratory, Caltechby hyperspace_bot2015/08/292015/08/29
Associate Professor in non-classical laser interferometry at Leibniz Universitaet, Hannoverby Karsten Danzmann2015/08/272015/08/27
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Numerical Relativity or Computational Astrophysics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaignby hyperspace_bot2015/08/102015/08/28
PhD Fellowships in Physics at the University of Parma, Italyby Sebastiano Bernuzzi2015/08/072015/08/07
Calls for Postdoctoral fellowships in Black Hole Physics at CBPF, Rio de Janeiroby hyperspace_bot2015/07/31
Postdoctoral positions in GRMHD at the Rochester Institute of Technologyby Carlos Lousto2015/07/292015/07/29
PhD Fellowships in Physics at the University of Trento (Italy)by Bruno Giacomazzo2015/07/292015/07/29
PhD positions in Quantum Gravity/Quantum Geometry, Nijmegen, The Netherlandsby hyperspace_bot2015/07/212015/07/21
Research Fellow Position in Gravitational Wave Astronomy and Compact Binary Source Modelling at Cardiffby hyperspace_bot2015/06/032015/06/03