Recent Progress on Black Hole Spin Measurements Across the Electromagnetic and Gravitational Spectrum, Winston-Salem, NC, USAby hyperspace_bot2025/03/102025/03/10
String Theory as a Bridge between Gauge Theory and Quantum Gravity, Rome, Italyby hyperspace_bot2024/12/112024/12/11
Foundational challenges in cosmological studies of black holes, Bonn, Germanyby hyperspace_bot2024/03/072024/03/07
Taking it to the extreme: Symmetries and dynamics of extremal black holes, Princeton, NJ, USAby hyperspace_bot2023/12/302024/01/02
Puzzles in the Quantum Gravity Landscape: viewpoints from different approaches, Waterloo, Canadaby hyperspace_bot2023/09/062023/09/06
Fourth European Physical Society Conference on Gravitation: Black Holes, Valencia, Spainby hyperspace_bot2023/07/182023/07/26
Conference on Quantum Effects in Gravitational Fields, Leipzig, Germany (reminder)by hyperspace_bot2023/06/132023/06/14
New horizons for (no-)horizon physics: from gauge to gravity and back II, Florence, Italyby Paolo Pani2023/01/162023/01/16
EuCAPT workshop “Gravitational wave probes of black hole environments”, Rome, Italyby hyperspace_bot2022/03/312022/03/31
Carter Fest: Black Holes and other Cosmic Systems, Paris, Franceby Eric Gourgoulhon2022/03/232022/03/26
New book: Seven Fundamental Concepts in Spacetime Physics (SpringerBriefs in Physics)by rezzolla2021/06/15
COST GWverse: Exchange of researchers working on gravitational-wave and black hole physicsby hyperspace_bot2021/03/082021/03/08
IOP Gravitational Physics Group Annual Meeting with Prof. Andrea Ghezby Aindriu Conroy2020/12/152020/12/26
New textbook: “General Relativity and its Applications: Black Holes, Compact Stars and Gravitational Waves” by V. Ferrari, L. Gualtieri, P. Pani (CRC Press, 2020)by hyperspace_bot2020/12/092020/12/26
COST GWverse: Exchange of researchers working on gravitational-wave and black hole physicsby hyperspace_bot2020/09/202020/11/26
COST GWverse: Exchange of researchers working on gravitational-wave and black hole physicsby hyperspace_bot2020/05/262020/11/26
COST GWverse: Exchange of researchers working on gravitational-wave and black hole physicsby hyperspace_bot2019/08/24
Probing Effective Theories of Gravity in Strong Fields and Cosmology, Santa Barbara, USAby hyperspace_bot2019/07/08
COST GWverse: Exchange of researchers working on gravitational-wave and black hole physicsby hyperspace_bot2019/03/31