Living Reviews in Relativity: “Foundations of Black Hole Accretion Disk Theory”by Frank Schulz2013/01/16
IJMPD Special Issue: 2012 Gravity Research Foundation (GRF) Essaysby Chee-Hok Lim2012/12/192014/11/19
Lectures of the Workshop SU Structure of the Universe 2012 – Observatoire de Parisby Norma G. Sanchez2012/12/18
Living Reviews in Relativity: “The Kerr/CFT Correspondence and its Extensions”by Frank Schulz2012/10/23
Deadline extension to 15 Nov 2012 for Jurgen Ehlers Thesis Prize and Bergman-Wheeler Thesis Prizeby Beverly K Berger2012/10/09
Ecole Internationale d’Astrophysique Daniel Chalonge: The Chalonge Medal 2012by Norma G. Sanchez2012/10/03
Living Reviews in Relativity: “Continuum and Discrete Initial-Boundary-Value Problems and Einstein’s Field Equations”by Frank Schulz2012/08/28
Presentations and Pictures of the Chalonge 16th Paris Cosmology Colloquium 2012by Norma G. Sanchez2012/08/06
New book: “Patterns in Physics, Toward a Unifying Theory” by Rejean Plamondonby Grasiele Santos2012/07/10
New book: “Relativistic Astrophysics of the Transient Universe” by M.H.P.M. van Putten and A. Levinsonby hyperspace_bot2012/07/10
Presentations of the Chalonge Meudon Workshop 2012: “Warm Dark Matter galaxy formation in agreement with observations”by Norma G. Sanchez2012/06/18