Conference on Quantum Effects in Gravitational Fields, Leipzig, Germany (reminder)by hyperspace_bot2023/06/132023/06/14
Living Reviews in Relativity: “Searches for continuous-wave gravitational radiation”by rezzolla2023/04/192023/04/19
Living Reviews: Astrophysics with the LISA / Dynamical boson starsby Frank Schulz2023/03/232023/03/30
Invitation to join a research project on the very nature of gravitationby hyperspace_bot2023/03/222023/03/30
Living Reviews in Computational Astrophysics: “Neutrino transport in general relativistic neutron star merger simulations”by hyperspace_bot2023/02/242023/03/30
At the interface of asymptotics, conformal methods and analysis in general relativity, London, UKby hyperspace_bot2023/01/252023/01/25
Multiple PhD positions in UMass Dartmouth and University of Rhode Island, – Closing Soon!by Gaurav Khanna2023/01/182023/01/26
Living Reviews in Relativity: “Unveiling the Universe with emerging cosmological probes”by rezzolla2022/12/142022/12/26
GWECS Job Fair on November 17: invitation to early career scientistsby hyperspace_bot2022/11/112022/11/11
Detecting continuous gravitational-wave signals: a Kaggle competitionby Rodrigo Tenorio2022/10/072022/10/07
Chalonge – de Vega Lectures Autumn 2022 and Nobel Lectures in Physicsby Norma G. Sanchez2022/09/302022/10/01
Special Issue: Quantum Physics Including Gravity: Highlights and Noveltiesby Norma G. Sanchez2022/09/012022/09/12