Living Reviews in Relativity: “Gravitational Waves from Gravitational Collapse” (update)by Frank Schulz2011/01/21
Post-doc and Student Prizes for the best presentations at the GR19 conferenceby Abhay Ashtekar2010/11/30
Numerical Relativity: Solving Einstein’s Equations on the Computer (New Book)by hyperspace_bot2010/10/29
2010 Gravitational Physics Group Thesis Prize sponsored by Classical and Quantum Gravityby hyperspace_bot2010/10/12
Highlights and Conclusions of the 14th Paris Cosmology Colloquium Chalonge 2010by hyperspace_bot2010/09/22
Excellent research published online: Combining gravity with the forces of the standard model on a cosmological scaleby Adam Day2010/08/03
Highlights and Conclusions of the Chalonge CIAS Meudon Workshop Dark Matter in the Universe 2010by Frank Schulz2010/07/29
Excellent research published online: Accurate light-time correction due to a gravitating massby Adam Day2010/06/18
Presentations of Workshop CIAS Meudon 2010 “Dark Matter in the Universe and Universal Properties of Galaxies: Theory and Observations”by Frank Schulz2010/06/16
New focus section on cosmological perturbations in Classical and Quantum Gravityby Adam Day2010/06/09
Excellent research published online: Reduced Hamiltonian for next-to-leading order Spin-Squared Dynamics of General Compact Binariesby rezzolla2010/05/23