Beyond General Relativity, Beyond Cosmological Standard Model, Warsaw, Polandby Chunshan Lin2018/12/172019/01/02
1st European Physical Society Conference on Gravitation, Rome, Italyby David Wands2018/12/132019/01/02
International school “Complex quantum systems out of equilibrium in many-body physics and beyond”, Yerevan, Armeniaby hyperspace_bot2018/12/12
The Modern Physics of Compact Stars and Relativistic Gravity 2019, Yerevan, Armeniaby hyperspace_bot2018/11/302018/12/01
From Einstein and Eddington to LIGO: 100 years of gravitational light deflection, Principe Island, São Toméby Jose P S Lemos2018/11/292018/12/01
GGI PhD School: “Theoretical Aspects of Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation”, Florence, Italyby Leonardo Gualtieri2018/11/262018/11/26
30th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Portsmouth, UK (1st announcement)by Marco Bruni2018/10/312018/10/31
IGC@25: Multimessenger Universe, Penn State, USA (2nd announcement)by Abhay Ashtekar2018/10/312019/01/26
Aotearoa Fundamental Physics 2018 Workshop – Observer-dependent entropy, Victoria, New Zealandby hyperspace_bot2018/10/17
Gravitational Wave Physics and Astronomy Workshop: JSI-GWPAW 2018, College Park, USA (2nd announcement)by Peter Shawhan2018/10/152018/10/15
Computational Challenges in Gravitational Wave Astronomy, Los Angeles, USAby hyperspace_bot2018/10/14
International Workshop on Dark Matter and Stars, Lisbon, Portugalby Jose P S Lemos2018/10/092018/11/02
Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory (PIRT-2019), Moscow, Russiaby Nina Tyannikova2018/10/012018/10/01
International Symposium on Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics (CosPA 2018), Yangzhou, Chinaby Yen Chin Ong2018/09/112018/09/11