John Miller awarded 2011 IOP Gravitational Physics Group thesis prize co-sponsored by CQGby Adam Day2012/05/11
The “Jürgen Ehlers thesis prize” and the “Bergmann-Wheeler thesis prize” of the International Society for General Relativity and Gravitation 2013by Beverly K Berger2012/02/06
Giulio Rampa Thesis Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematical or Numerical Relativityby rezzolla2011/10/06
2011 Gravitational Physics Group Thesis Prize sponsored by Classical and Quantum Gravityby David A. Burton2011/05/19
Dr Barry Wardell to receive thesis prize from IOP’s Gravitational Physics Group co-sponsored by CQGby Adam Day2011/03/30
Post-doc and Student Prizes for the best presentations at the GR19 conferenceby Abhay Ashtekar2010/11/30
2010 Gravitational Physics Group Thesis Prize sponsored by Classical and Quantum Gravityby hyperspace_bot2010/10/12